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University development strategy for 2014-2020 announced

The Year of Great Jagiellonian University Jubilee started with the announcement of the new University Development Strategy for the period 2014-2020. The document, created by a task group headed by the Vice-Rector for University Development, outlines the university's mission as well as an ambitious vision of how it should function, identifies key academic values, and sets both strategic and specific objectives for the University to be pursued during the next six years.

Which factors will determine the pace of the Jagiellonian University's development? What roles do tradition and innovation play in academic life? Which fields of research require additional support? What actions could lead to making the JU the world leader of modern academic centres? How could it have greater influence on the world aroound, including economy, society and culture?

It depends on the entire academic community of the JU whether and to what extent the goals outlined in the Strategy are going to be achieved.

The document (in Polish) is available  here. All members of the academic community are welcome to share their ideas related to the actions, programmes and tasks that may help to implement the JU Development Strategy. All suggestions, remarks and questions should be sent to prorektor.rozwoj@uj.edu.pl.

Prof. dr hab. Maria Jolanta Flis

Vice-rector for University Development

Published Date: 14.01.2014
Published by: Mariusz Kopiejka