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Scientific Facebook

"Academia, mass media and business: this triangle forms the basis of Atomium Culture. The cooperation between these three pillars is aimed to make research and innovation reach as wide a public as possible", said Prof. Karol Musioł, the Rector of the Jagiellonian University at the September 26 press conference, explaining that: "We want to create a platform to exchange knowledge and valuable experience. This will be something like ‘scientific Facebook'". The meeting of Atomium Culture "European Intersectional Summit on Research and Innovation", co-organized by the Jagiellonian University, was attended by many prominent guests, including the President of Atomium Culture Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini, the Executive Director of Atomium Culture Erika Widegren and the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education Barbara Kudrycka, the Austrian Minister of Science Karlheinz Tochlerle, the President of Polish Telecom Maciej Witucki and the representatives of mass media, business and academia from all over Europe.

The Permanent Platform of Atomium Culture brings together some of the top universities, newspapers and businesses in Europe. Its Polish members are the Jagiellonian University, "Rzeczpospolita" daily and Polish Telecom (Telekomunikacja Polska S. A.).

"We hope that this conference will result in some concrete steps to make the innovation more accessible to the European governments and other institutions, said Michelangelo Baracchi Bonvicini. "When we founded Atomium Culture 6 years ago, our main goal was to foster the dissemination of the results of the most important research. Now the information on the research reaches 10 million readers in 16 European countries, thanks to the daily newspapers that belong to our platform", he added.

It is also crucial to improve the communication between individual researchers in order to facilitate the sharing of the results of the research between them. For instance, 72 universities engage in the research in the same field. "The question arises whether they do not contact each other because they do not want to, or because they do not have such possibility", wondered Bonvicini. He reminded that even though there are more new inventions in Europe than in the USA, our continent lacks effective connection between the universities and the world of business, which would facilitate the financing of research by the private sector.

Published Date: 28.09.2011
Published by: Kinga Mieszaniec